Little Lush Book Details

How It Works


How it works for Clients


How much does it cost to hire Talent through LITTLE LUSH BOOK?

LITTLE LUSH BOOK does not apply charges to clients wanting to hire talent. All you need to do is "Sign up" on the LITTLE LUSH BOOK website and post your job to hire the relevant Talent for your occasion. No hidden charges and commissions for job postings.


How can I pay the Talent?

All payments are to be organized only between yourself and the Talent you hire, without LITTLE LUSH BOOK's participation. However, you need to discuss these terms and conditions with the Talent ahead of the hiring, so that you both agree and align your expectations. All discussions and details can be privately sorted directly through LITTLE LUSH BOOK’s encrypted chat messaging feature without the need of exchanging any personal numbers.

We recommend payments to be sorted in cash in the beginning of the job to save any confusion. Extensions of work hours can be worked out between both parties on the job site. 


How can I post a Job?

To post a Job you need to Sign-Up first as a client, and then click on the ‘Post a Job’ button once logged into the LITTLE LUSH BOOK's website. You will then be taken to complete a step-by-step process to list your job on our site. Once your job is successfully posted, you will receive the relevant email notification to confirm that your job is live. You have the option to "de-list" (hide from public) a job once enough applicants have applied.


How can I hire Talent?

Once your Job is live on LITTLE LUSH BOOK, your job will be listed on a job board and will be avaiable for our registered Talent to apply.  Once  talent start to apply you will then (and only then) have the option to view Talent profiles including their pictures and ratings. Once you  have decide on the right Talent for you, click the ‘Accept’ button on the chosen talents within the job listing. From that point, the client and chosen talent are in a locked-in agreement until the job is completed. Both the talent and client can liais via our encrypted message system within the job listing, discussing all necessary terms and conditions concerning your Job (even if you have mentioned them previously in your Job post), like payment conditions, location, shift times and any other particular little details. We recommend discussing all possible conditions, so that there will be no misunderstanding during and/or after the Job.

In additions, you can invite other potential applicants to view your posted job by sharing the job link. You can only see the Talents' contact details and photos after they apply (there is no public database), to maintain the privacy of the Talent.


How do I choose the right Talent for me?

As the job poster, you decide what particular type of Talent you wish to hire by selecting any of the relevant categories when posting a job (e.g., atmosphere models, waitress, etc.). You can choose Talent based on their rating, comments and photos, which will be available to view once they apply to your job listing prior to hiring. 


What if the Talent cancels after accepting my Job?

Once you accept any Talent, an option to leave/remove the job post is no longer available between both parties. Should a situation arises where Talents / Clients need to cancel after the job has been confirmed and accepted, proper communication needs to take place between the parties via LITTLE LUSH BOOK's chat system. Regardless of cancellations / no shows, we recommend that you remain respectful and proffesional, as both parties will still be prompted to rate each other after the scheduled job finishes. 

Please remember there is also a "report" option if you think that a mutual understanding can not be met during the discussions. In this case, LITTLE LUSH BOOK will step in as a moderator and determine which party is at fault. If LITTLE LUSH BOOK determines that one or both parties have been unethical, this may result in account removal from LITTLE LUSH BOOK. (And blocked)


How does the Rating system work?

At the completion of a job, you will be prompted to rate the talent/client upon your next login. Here you have the opportunity to rate the Talent accordingly based on your experience or voice your feedback on their profile comment section. Although we give the power to users to rate and comment each other, LITTLE LUSH BOOK will not tolerate any rude, abusive and harrasing comments.


What if I want to cancel a Talent or a job I posted?

If you want to cancel the Talent previously hired, you need to discuss this issue with the Talent directly via little lush books chat feature, as once any talent is "accepted" you can no longer remove the job. There is however a unlist option to hide your job from the public to prevent more people applying.

Please be mindful the Talent you accept can also leave comments and ratings on your job profile once the original job date passes. Therefore we recommend you to be respectful when wanting to cancel or change an agreed booking. 


How can I get started?

Click Sign-Up button and fill in all required fields. Please, input only reliable and honest information about you, so that we can help you in case of any disputes between yourself and the talent (ie. if a talent does not show up to a booking). Once you have completed your registration', LITTLE LUSH BOOK will then send you a confirmation email to confirm your registration. 


Can I extend the hours?

All changes to the agreed Job conditions and requirements should be discussed directly with Talent via our encrypted chat feature.


How it works for Talents


How can I get a Job?

At first, you need to Sign-Up and create a private profile. Click on the ‘Talent Sign-Up’ button and follow the step-by-step process with sufficient instructions. Insert only relevant and actual contact details, so that we can contact you in case of any concerns and/or questions. Your profile will always remain private until you decide to apply to work.

Once this is done and you have added photos and a bio to your profile you are now ready to browse our job board and apply to work relevant to you.  

NOTE: Please be mindful of your local laws before applying and accepting any work through our service. LITTLE LUSH BOOK does not endorse nor support any activities that may be deemed and regarded illegal by your local state and/or country. Please use our service responsibly and legally as we accept no responsibility should you engage in any law breaking activities


How can I receive Payments?

You should discuss on how you would like to receive payments prior accepting the job with the Clients directly.


How much does it cost to use LITTLE LUSH BOOK website?

LITTLE LUSH BOOK offers one month free trial. After trial period ends, LITTLE LUSH BOOK will charge talent $7.99 USD per month (converts to local currency accordingly as per your local bank rate). Upon profile registration, you will be required to enter your credit card details in order to activate your subcriptions. We use Stripe as a payment provider. We have also enabled encryptions to protect your credit cards data.


Can I remove and/or delete my profile?

You can at any time permanently delete your profile. To do this, you need to Log-In and click on the ‘contact us’ button at the bottom of the website to let us know you would like your profile removed and we will take care of the rest. Once your profile is permanently removed, there is no possibility to restore your profile. You will also lose your rating history. In case where you wish to use LITTLE LUSH BOOK website again, you will need to re-signup.


How can I contact the Clients during the hiring process?

When you see an attractive job posting, you need to click the ‘Apply’ button. The Clients will then receive your application and be able to view your profile. You will receive an email confirmation that your job application is successful. From here, you can now directly communicate with each other without LITTLE LUSH BOOK's participation via our private chat messaging system. Make sure you discuss, disclose and agree to all requirements relating to the job (i.e. the payment terms, what to wear, what is the location, time shifts, etc) prior to accepting the work. 


Can I cancel the Job being accepted by the client?

Once a Client accepts your application, you do not have an option to cancel. Should a situation arises where Talents / Clients need to cancel after the job has been confirmed and accepted, proper communication needs to take place between the parties via LITTLE LUSH BOOK's chat system. Regardless of cancellations / no shows, we recommend that you remain respectful and proffesional, as both parties will still be prompted to rate each other after the scheduled job finishes. 

Please remember there is also a "report" option if you feel a mutual understanding can not be met during the discussions. In this case, LITTLE LUSH BOOK will step in as moderator and determine which party is at fault. If LITTLE LUSH BOOK determines that one or both parties have been unethical, this may result in account removal from LITTLE LUSH BOOK 


The Job is not as advertised, what should I do?

If there is nothing similar between the Job posted and the real-life experience, you need to discuss with the Clients on reasons for such discrepancies and the possibility to fix them as quick as possible to the agreed conditions. If you think that a mutual understanding can not be met during the discussions, you have an option to report a Client using the "Report" button within the job listing.  In this case, LITTLE LUSH BOOK will step in as a moderator and determine which party is at fault. Please, note that you will also be prompted to rate Clients based on your experience.


What should I do if the Clients want to hire me outside LITTLE LUSH BOOK ?

If the Clients want to hire you outside LITTLE LUSH BOOK, we recommend you do not proceed. In such situations, in case of any concerns or disputes with the Clients, LITTLE LUSH BOOK cannot help you as the job was posted, discussed and carried out outside LITTLE LUSH BOOK's platform, thereore it will defeat the purpose of LITTLE LUSH BOOK’s privacy.


How is my rating star determined?

Your rating is determined by the Clients' experience based on your service. The more professional and reliable you are, the more it will be reflected on your profile. 


If there is anything we have not covered that you would like to know more about, please give us a shout by visiting our Contact Us page and fill out a form.